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Logical Sequence of Words

Verbal Reasoning: Logical Sequence of Words

Several words are logically and sequentially related to one another. In questions relating to logical word sequence, the candidates are required to arrange the given group of words in a meaningful order. Such an order can be according to size, quality, quantity, occurrence, value, intensity, appearance or nature.

Most of the times, it is not difficult to find the relationship between words in a group and arrange them in a logical sequence. But sometimes such a relationship is quite difficult.

For example if the given words are Radio, TV, Cinema, Newspaper and Theatre, it is not easy to give them an order immediately. In such cases we try to find what is common factor among them i.e. media is and entertainment channel in this case.

Now we can arrange them as per their popularity or their mass base etc. Searching the combinations given in the option would certainly provide us a clue regarding the mind of the examiner.

Better vocabulary through regular reading, practicing such exercises regularly and reading right instructional material through choicest magazines and books not only increases knowledge but also sharpens the skill and gives self-confidence to solve reasoning questions.

Example :

Question 1. Rearrange the words in logical sequence.

1. Evening
2. Dawn
3. Night
4. Dusk
5. Noon

Answer: We know the dawn comes first and night at last. The correct order therefore will be;


The word groups denoting quantity, value or intensity of the order can be established either from the highest to the lowest or from lowest to the highest. The sequence intended by the examiner can be gauged from the available options which are invariably one sided either from lowest to highest or vice versa.

The key in solving questions on logical sequence of words lies in understanding their relationship first. Practicing more and more throws open various groups and combinations.

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